Record keeping for Catfish Farmers
Record Keeping
This is keeping track of all your input and output to keep track of how much profit you are making and how much you are losing. This is a structure every businessman should have in their business, and it is not excluded from you like a catfish farmer.
It is key to keep track of how much fish you are started with, how much the fishes feed per day or weeks, how many died or how many are eventually going to be sold- how much profit you made. These are what will eventually determine your success rate as a catfish farmer. It will also help you learn from your mistakes, what works for the fishes and what doesn’t work, thus, helping you in the long run to reduce risk and hazard, and cost of production in subsequent times. By reviewing data, the farmer will know how to increase productivity and when to expand.
Keeping records enable the farmer to understand the economic viability of their fishes and even their facility- how much each facility takes to maintain. It helps you improve your planning, enable the fish farmers to track and subsequently, increase the quality and efficiency of their production. And if in the long run, a farmer decides to expand, from his record, he can easily know how to pitch his venture to assess loan from financial institutions
(An example of daily feed record)
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